1FT7102-5AZ74-1NG0-Z K1A+K23+X53+Y84
SIMOTICS S Synchronous motor 1FT7, M0=30 Nm (100K), 500 rpm, naturally cooled IMB 5 design (IM V1, IM V3) flange 1 (1FT6-compatible), Power connector rotatable Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 VSS 2048 S/R (encoder I-2048) Rotatable connector, smooth shaft, without holding brake, Circular runout tolerance N Vibration severity grade A, Degree of protection IP64 X53: Paint finish light gray RAL7053 Y84: Customer specifications on rating plate K23: Primer coat and paint finish
Dane techniczne
Kod produktu: 1FT7102-5AZ74-1NG0-Z K1A+K23+X53+Y84
- Naprawy
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- Wymiana
1000+Zadowolonych klientów
20+Lat na rynku (od 1999 r.)
7,7 mileuro obrotu w 2019 r.